Careers Policy and Documentation

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Virtue theory reflecting the teachings of the Catholic Church provides, we believe, a systematic way of shaping and developing character. The Careers program at Carmel is therefore, underpinned by and reflects the importance we attach to Virtues and character education. It also incorporates the Gatsby Benchmarks , which are interwoven throughout the programme. Our careers’ provision, along with our policy, complies with the College’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997. The intent of our Careers Programme at Carmel is to provide students with a stable and consistent careers education which ensures that all students are provided with the opportunity to prepare for their transition into further study or the world of work.

We intend to raise aspirations through exposure to a wide range of education and employment opportunities, which are embedded throughout our school curriculum. Students will experience a range of encounters, tailored to their individual needs and circumstances, including community facilities, employers and potential Post-16/19 settings, ensuring equal opportunities and inclusion.

Moreover, our careers programme is an entitlement, not an opportunity, whereby all pupils will be supported to consider their next steps and future. At Carmel we strive to provide an enriching, stimulating and sensitive careers programme that supports all students to experience positive transition, live as independently as possible and achieve their true potential in life.

Key Aims and Objectives

1. To support pupils and their families in developing their understanding of transitions and future planning.

2. To prepare pupils for successful and positive transitions into life after Carmel.

3. To provide pupils with well-rounded and broad experiences of the ever-changing world of work.

4. To support pupils in the development of the interpersonal skills, qualities and attitudes that will be needed throughout life.

5. To foster a sense of ambition and determination to motivate pupils to live as independently as possible.

6. To support inclusion and promote equal opportunities by challenging stereotyping and encouraging diversity.

The Gatsby Benchmarks:

Together, they underpin our careers’ provision through PSHEE, timetabled lessons, dedicated careers’ advisor appointments and specific interactions with external employers and educational stakeholders. The Gatsby Benchmark framework aims to ensure that all students in Years 7-13 are entitled to:

  • To find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point.
  • To hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options evenings, assemblies, group discussions and taster events.
  • To understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.

View our provision by year group here: 

Careers Provision

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Mrs H Ho is our Careers Lead. You can contact Mrs Ho by telephone 01325 254525, or via email to


We appreciate certain groups or individual students may need extra help and/or guidance and these groups will be targeted and given differentiated CIAG as appropriate.
Groups may include but are not limited to: most able; disadvantaged; pupil premium; those in danger of becoming NEET; EAL.
Activities targeted at specific groups take place throughout the year, such as:

  • Apprenticeship talk
  • College/training providers open days, visits and assemblies
  • Visiting speakers
  • Employer visits
  • Work experience
  • Career fairs
  • Mock interviews

Partnerships and Industry Links

We are passionate about delivering an inclusive career programme where all students have access to local and global industry links.

We work closely with our Enterprise Co-ordinator from TVCA and Enterprise Advisor from Jacobs, a global organisation. Jacobs are involved with many STEM activities across school and in sixth form, particularly The Big Project. This longstanding, employer led competition allows students to work together on a ‘brief’ and develop their skillset through three competitive rounds. Year 8-13 apply for The Big Project and are placed into teams. They work closely with Jacobs/Teacher mentors and STEM ambassadors. In previous years, students have attended Northumbria University to deliver presentations in front of Professors, have been involved with experiments in space laboratories and have networked with Jacobs Employees, The UK Space Agency, Darlington Borough Council to name a few. All students taking part are given the opportunity to receive outstanding achievement awards and the winners receive a prize from Jacobs. This is a professional competition, allowing students to network and develop skills in confidence, presentation, leadership, teamwork, working to deadlines and many more. If you would like further information on how your child can be involved, please email

The labour market is continually changing and evolving and with this in mind, we work with many other employers to provide knowledge and information about careers and educational pathways to provide an inclusive insight for all students. Various educational establishments and employers attend assemblies, workshops, our Year 11 mock interviews and our annual careers fair. Many employers also support our work experience placements for year 10 and year 12. If you are an employer and would like to work with Carmel College, then please contact The Careers Team

Recognising Careers Early

We recognise that careers information, advice and guidance should be implemented as early as possible within a student’s education allowing access to a range of future possibilities. Students make key deci sions throughout their education starting with Year 9 options. In preparation for this we provide employer and educational provider led workshops, trips, The Big Project and assemblies. An example of this includes our NHS careers carousel workshop where Year 7 and 8 were introduced to a range of NHS careers. This interactive workshop developed knowledge of various departments, job roles, educational pathways and challenged career stereotypes.

In preparation for Year 9 options, our Careers Adviser runs workshops where students practice choosing their options. All students are provided with an action plan and a follow up careers appointment can be made. Access to unifrog from year 7 provides all students and their parents/carers with up-to-date labour market information that can be accessed at anytime.


Unifrog is the universal destinations platform and is designed to support learners in making the most informed decisions about their futures and has a range of tools that are suitable for all year groups. Each student has their own account where they can explore all the career and next step options available to them and find information on everything from managing their workload to writing a winning CV. Students have access to a wide variety of video and written content, and interactive quizzes and tests, including:

Section of the platform Examples of what students can do Suitable age range

Finding their interests, personality type, preferred work environment, and skillset.

Years 7-13
Exploring pathways Explore careers, career sectors, subjects, sign up to free webinars, explore MOOCs and courses, and find wider reading materials. Years 7-13
Recording what you’ve done Record their in-class and extracurricular activities, record examples of their skills, and see the record of CEIAG events the school has added to their accounts. Years 7-13
Searching for opportunities Find scholarships, activities, and bursaries to support their HE journey. Find and compare degrees in the UK and overseas, live apprenticeships, and FE courses. Years 10-13
Application materials / Making applications Write their CV, cover letter, Personal Statement, and more. Track their applications and record their Post 16 / 18 intentions. Years 11-13


We evaluate the effectiveness and impact of our Careers programme by measuring our success against:

  • The 8 Gatsby Benchmarks
  • CDI Career Development Framework
  • Internal audits
  • Our NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) figures
  • Student surveys and feedback forms
  • Teacher feedback
  • Parent/Carer feedback
  • Employer feedback

Our current progress towards the Gatsby Benchmarks is regularly reviewed via the Compass+ Careers Benchmark Tool.

Local Information and Support

Exploring Options and Pathways

Help and Ideas

Parents, Carers and Guardians