Spirituality at Carmel College

Rooted in Gospel Values, Growing in Faith

At Carmel College, we believe in providing a transformative education that nurtures the spiritual well-being of our students. Our commitment to spiritual development is inspired by the words of Pope Benedict XVI, who emphasised that "a good Catholic school should help all of its students to become saints." Here, spirituality is not just a concept; it's a way of life that permeates every aspect of our community.


Chaplaincy: Fostering Faith, Building Community

Our Lay Chaplain and Trust Head of Catholic Life, Mr. Gardner, leads the Catholic Life of Carmel. Spirituality is at the forefront of our mission, and all staff members share responsibility for the development of Liturgy and ethos, contributing their unique talents to build up the Kingdom of God.


Chapel at the Heart

Our Chapel is a sanctuary of reflection and peace, open to all for quiet prayer and engagement with our varied spiritual program. We have the Blessed Sacrament reserved in the tabernacle, inviting all members of our community to spend sacred moments with Jesus daily.


Weekly Spiritual Rhythms:

· Holy Mass every Wednesday at 12:30 pm

· Student-led liturgies throughout the week

· Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every Friday morning

· Daily Morning Celebration of the Word in Form and in our Pastoral Assemblies.


Inclusive Community

Our Chaplaincy Support Group, composed of staff from various departments, works collaboratively to enrich our worshipping community. The Youth SVP Group and Spiritual Depth group actively engage students, fostering a sense of service and enabling us to put our faith into action.


Retreats: Taking time out to get to know ourselves, our friends and Christ better

Every student can partake in a residential retreat at the Emmaus Village. These retreats, well-attended and valued by students, offer a chance to 'retreat' from the busyness of everyday life and focus on relationships with God and each other.


Sacramental Catechesis

Mr. Gardner leads annual Confirmation Catechesis, collaborating with local parishes for students in Year 10 and above.


Easter Lourdes Pilgrimage

Sixth-form students have the unique opportunity to join the HCPT annual Easter pilgrimage to Lourdes, embodying their faith in practice.



Ministry of Chaplaincy: Affirming, Strengthening, Healing

The ministry of chaplaincy at Carmel is threefold: affirming, strengthening, and healing. Mr. Gardner offers pastoral care to both staff and students, ready to listen and advise and pray with those who are facing difficulties of any kind.


Developing Ministries

Students are encouraged and receive formation to take on liturgical functions, ensuring active student participation in music ministry, preparing our ICT, leading liturgical dance or acting as a welcomer at our weekly Mass. Everyone at Carmel is a Liturgy Leader.


Inclusivity and Diversity: Embracing All Faiths

We strive to make spirituality at Carmel inclusive, accessible, and a genuine expression of the Catholic faith. Our College welcomes those of other faiths, and we celebrate religious diversity, marking major world religious celebrations.


A Taste of Our Spiritual Life

 Experience our spiritual life through annual liturgical videos at Advent and our patronal Feast day Mass in July, where contemporary music amplifies our mission to live life to the full.

Latest Liturgy Videos

Visit Our Liturgy Website to pray with us at home and delve deeper into our spiritual journey.

At Carmel College, we're not just educating minds; we're nurturing souls. Join us on this enriching spiritual adventure, where every step brings us closer to a life lived to the fullest.


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