The English Department is a high achieving department which prides itself on consistently high standards, achieving some of the best results in the North East. We aim to shape our students into the very best communicators, thinkers, readers and writers.
The English Department is a creative and supportive team whose aim is to ensure that all students receive the best possible education from teachers with a real passion and expertise in their subject. Through our studies in English we support our students in developing the critical and evaluative skills necessary to explore and understand the world around them.
Students are consistently encouraged to challenge themselves and take a creative approach to their learning through well-developed and diverse programmes of study at all Key Stages. Students will study a rich range of texts from a variety of sources. As well as those from the Literary Canon, we believe it is important for students to explore a range of genres and voices. This not only increases the Cultural Capital of our students, but also ensures that our students can explore the impacts of Literature and Language in the communication and the shaping of one’s identity. We encourage our students to view literary texts as a vehicle through which to think deeply about societal issues and encourage the development of oracy skills through debate and discussion.
The department aims to set suitable learning challenges for all students, personalising the curriculum to overcome potential learning barriers. Our aim is that every student feels empowered and equipped with the skills to express themselves clearly and confidently.
Examinations are approached both with confidence and rigour, equipping students with the skills needed both to achieve and for life! We offer extra curricular clubs in Creative Writing as well as additional study support outside of directed study time.
Above all, we seek to make every student’s experience of English Language and Literature one that is rewarding, passing on a legacy that will instil a life-long love of reading.